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Master the DTH107: A Complete Guide to Writing Determine Health Assessment Answers

Are you aware that half of all healthcare workers worldwide are nurses and midwives? However, there is a greater need for nurses than available; this need is growing exponentially in Australia. According to the Health Workforce Australia report, it will be from 85 000 by 2025 to 123 000 by 2030. In Australia, the need for nurses is at an all-time high.In this guide we will explain briefly about writing to determine health assessment answers with the help of nursing assignment help.

Additionally, because of the ongoing labour deficit, the problems in the nursing profession are frequently disregarded. The current COVID situation has made the problem much more evident. In Australia, registered nurses are fifty-two years old on average. The biggest issue in the nation is the elderly nursing population. A lack of quality medical care affects older nurses and midwives in several ways. Such topics are covered in this unit. 

For instance, in DTH107 Determine Health Assessment, the elderly population has trouble adapting to nursing informatics. We’ll discuss these problems, their solutions, and how to create a research study on the subject below. 

What problems does an aging nursing workforce present? 

Currently, 48% of Australia’s nursing population is over 45. Baby boomers make up most of the nursing population; therefore, as they retire, there will eventually be a large departure from the nursing field. So maintaining the nursing staffing levels is difficult. Additional problems with the elderly nursing population include:

Technology advancement rate 

At its height, the current situation further cements the third industrial revolution. The main problem is that older people must adapt to technological innovation because it happens too quickly. Therefore, older nurses employ conventional techniques that are allowed to be allowed. 

The varying functional capacities 

Section DTH107 determines health assessment and explains how people in their 30s and those approaching their 60s have very different job capacities. Since the nursing field is more difficult than many others, this is a serious problem. Although knowledge and experience are advantages, the efforts of the graying generation are hindered by physical limitations. 

Having trouble working long shifts 

Additionally, nursing requires standing work for most eight- to twelve-hour shifts. According to studies, nurses walk or stand for a significant portion of their shifts, equivalent to two miles. Given their physical limitations, such a chore is difficult for an older adult.

takes longer to recover from injury

Some illnesses or injuries can neither be anticipated nor prevented. Therefore, one rests on recuperating, but an older person needs longer hours or days. Longer reaction times, which take longer to achieve a regular work speed, are another important drawback for the older workforce.

Age Discrimination at Work

Last but not least, ageism instances in the workplace are serious problems, according to the ideas in DTH107 Determine Health Assessment. This problem extends beyond the nursing profession since coworkers frequently react negatively to the shortcomings of the graying generation. Older workers experience prejudice because they lack IT skills.  

According to WHO studies, Africa and South-East Asia still have the biggest nursing staffing shortfalls.

There is a belief that older generations’ physical limitations make them physically unfit to perform many responsibilities in the workplace. However, a longitudinal study on retirement in Australia reveals that older professionals are more likely to build fruitful client relationships and do dual activities. 

So, rather than being a duty, integrating the aging workforce is a priority. You must complete coursework as a nursing student, including case studies, reflection essays, clinical lab reports, research projects, and more. Get top-notch assignment assistance from subject-matter experts for your DTH107 Determine Health Assessment answers. Fill out the enrollment form to receive free guides and nursing assignment help. Enroll now!

How Can the Challenges of an Aging Nursing Workforce Be Solved? 

There is a persistent labour shortage in the nursing industry. The rivalry for older nurses in Australia is growing, reducing the pool of potential recruits. Additionally, the nursing profession is female-dominated, which presents extra labour market obstacles. Here are four strategies covered in the unit DTH107 Determine Health Assessment that make sure senior employees are working in a secure environment:

keeping on qualified personnel

In 2020, 20% of registered nurses will be above 40, according to the Nursing and Midwifery Council Register. Comparing this to the 17% in 2016, there has been a substantial increase. Management intervention is required to retain experienced and skilled staff regardless of age.

Policy adjustments to help the aging workforce

For older employees to be retained, federal and state rules must be changed. Aged nurses must be able to function efficiently and continue in the workforce after the normal retirement age. Therefore, workplace regulations must take this into account. Consider positions with less demanding duties and flexible work hours as two possibilities.

establishing wholesome workplaces for senior nurses

The primary need in the DTH107 Determine Health Assessment instances is to establish a secure workplace for the aging population. It consists of education on bullying, increased workplace engagement, and environmental design that better accommodates nurses who are getting older.

succession planning for knowledge transfer

To impart the information and skills that come with their years of experience, older nurses should be accommodated in the education and training sectors as a different resolution. People retire when ready, but mass retirements are problematic because they lower skill levels.

According to the “World Health Organisation,” there will be a nine million-person shortage of nurses by 2030.

There is always a need for trained labour. Prodigal skill alone cannot compare to years of experience. An older workforce demonstrates wisdom at work. Aged workers’ expertise and knowledge are much valued in a team, which is true in the nursing profession. As a result, both the public and commercial sectors must collaborate to keep the aging workforce.

How Do You Develop a Research Project?

Research projects are meticulous and organized pieces of academic writing. During your nursing profession, you will run into a couple of these. Research and data organization are the main steps in DTH107 Determine Health Assessment research projects. The key is understanding the typical writing pattern and making sure your research is relevant to the topic. This is how it’s done:

  • Introduction 
  • Objective Project horizon
  • Review of the literature
  • Conclusion 
  • Bibliography 
  • Appendices

Before you start writing, you must go through several research phases. Remain true to the initial thesis you created for your project. Use a variety of resources to put your project together. You should read this blog to comprehend all the stages of a research endeavor. You can use this DTH107 Determine Health Assessment example to guide your writing while you complete your assignment.

According to figures released by the Australian Department of Health, the unemployment rate for nurses has been constant at about 2% since 2016. 


Fill out the enrollment form to access our extensive library of solutions handled by our specialists and uncover more DTH107 Determine Health assignment samples and solutions. Additionally, we provide reasonably priced nursing assignment help assistance to help you finish your research paper on time. Our professionals can provide the best work in nursing homework help on time, whether your deadline is tomorrow or in a week.

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